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Overseas Economic Cooperation Council

The Second Meeting of the Overseas Economic Cooperation Council

  1. The Second Meeting of the Overseas Economic Cooperation Council was held on June 6, from 7:00 to 8:25.

  2. At the meeting, issues on economic cooperation for China and Iraq were discussed. Chief Cabinet Secretary, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Minister of Finance, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry attended the meeting; Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, and Minister of the Environment also attended the meeting in the beginning, as it was considered useful to ask their opinion based on their respective field of responsibility.

  3. On China, it was agreed that Japan will extend to China a Yen Loan totaling about 74 billion yen in fiscal year 2005, as a result of the comprehensive discussion undertaken in the Japanese government since the beginning of fiscal 2006. This agreement will be adopted in the cabinet meeting through necessary procedure.

  4. On Iraq, views were exchanged on how Japan should promote economic cooperation with Iraq, with a new administration auguring well for a new phase of reconstruction. It was confirmed that Japan will continue supporting strongly the Iraqi people's own efforts to rebuild the country, in close cooperation with the international community.