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Overseas Economic Cooperation Council

The twenty-first Meeting of the Overseas Economic Cooperation Council

1. The twenty-first meeting of the Overseas Economic Cooperation Council was held on April 22, 2009, from 17:30 to 18:15. Prime Minister, Chief Cabinet Secretary, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Minister of Finance, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, and Minister of Justice attended the meeting.
2. In the meeting, under the subject "Overseas economic cooperation for Pacific island countries and regions," the policy of economic cooperation for the region was discussed in the context of the Fifth Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting (PALM5) to be held on May 22 and 23. The region is strategically important for Japan because it a) is the Japan's neighboring area which shares the Pacific Ocean, and important as a sea lane; b) consists of historically pro-Japanese countries and maintains friendly relationship with Japan, and c) is an important supplier of marine and other natural resources. It was confirmed that Japan will strengthen a long-term and sustainable relationship with and the assistance to the region, mindful of the region's vulnerability of economic and social basis and the negative impact of natural disaster and climate change.
3. In particular, it was agreed that the Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting to be held in May will be an significant opportunity to strengthen the relations with the region, and Japan will prepare the assistance centering on the summit's main concept, , and its main objectives: 1) "Eco-friendly": creating a "Pacific Environmental Community," 2) "Rich": Overcoming vulnerabilities and promoting human security, 3) "We are islanders": People-to-people exchange.
4. It was confirmed that the following points are important in preparing the assistance:
1) Promoting the assistance in which Japan can make good use of its strength such as environmental technology, and strengthening "visible assistance" through active use of JOCV (Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers) ,Senior Volunteers, and Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects, as well as touring promotion and "One Village One Product" campaign.
2) Encouraging wide-range cooperation especially in the field of the environment, health, disaster prevention, education, and using JICA's overseas offices for more effective formulation of ODA projects
3) Advancing the assistance which contributes to ensuring stable supply of fishery, energy and mineral resources.
5. Based on these basic policies, it was agreed that Japan will
1) Express an effective commitment along with the summit theme for the success of the summit;
2) Secure a necessary volume of ODA, taking into account the importance of the region;
3) Expand the activity to enhance people's understanding in Japan and the Pacific region about the significance of the cooperation towards the region.
6. Furthermore, "Basic Policy of the Assistance for Legal and Judicial System Development," which was approved in the Director-General level meeting of related ministries based on the agreement in the thirteenth meeting of Overseas Economic Cooperation Council held in last January, was reported in the meeting. This basic policy sets the guideline of the assistance for legal and judicial system development and describes the current situation, challenges, and the future direction of Japan's assistance to main countries especially in Asia. It was agreed that this assistance, as the assistance using Japan's "Soft Power", plays an important role in strengthening Asia's economic growth, and that Japan will continue positively promoting the assistance based on this basic policy.