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Overseas Economic Cooperation Council

The nineteenth Meeting of the Overseas Economic Cooperation Council

1. The nineteenth meeting of the Overseas Economic Cooperation Council was held on January 29, 2009, from 17:30 to 18:15. Prime Minister, Chief Cabinet Secretary, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Minister of Finance, and Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry attended the meeting.
2. In the meeting, under the subject "Overseas economic cooperation for Afghanistan and Pakistan," the policy of economic cooperation for both countries was discussed with due attention to the current situation in both countries.
3. First, it was confirmed that: (a) contributing to the stability of the region as a whole, centering on Afghanistan and Pakistan, both of which are the frontlines of international society's efforts for eradicating terrorism, is essential for the peace and prosperity of Japan and the world, and (b) economic cooperation plays an important role in reducing poverty, which can be a hotbed for terrorism.
Then, it was agreed that it is necessary to provide utmost assistance, in accordance with situations of both countries: Afghanistan, which faces an imminent challenge to its stability and reconstruction before the forthcoming presidential election, and Pakistan, which has urgent tasks of implementing effective countermeasures against terrorism and of improving the economic situation.
4. With regard to Afghanistan, Japan has pledged assistance of a total of US$ 2 billions and has been implementing mainly in the following four priority areas: security; infrastructure; basic human needs such as education, health, and medical care; and comprehensive regional development, focusing on agriculture and rural development; and it is important to explain the above mentioned efforts for assisting Afghanistan to those at home and abroad. It was agreed that Japan will further strengthen the support in a more effective manner, bearing the following points in mind:

1)To strengthen assistance such as security improvement for the smooth and successful implementation of the presidential elections;
2)To expand assistance into the relatively stable area where Japan has not yet extended assistance sufficiently;
3)To extend continued assistance for the development of Kabul city, the capital of Afghanistan, where the population has been increasing due mainly to the inflow of returnees;
4)To pursue the assistance which transfers Japanese technique such as rice farming and the assistance in which Japan can make good use of its technology and experience through improving infrastructure, providing landmine removal equipment, and promoting one -village one-product campaign.

It was agreed that ,in implementing assistance, (a) Japan will take great care in ensuring the safety of numerous Japanese aid personnel, with a sense of mission on the ground, and (b) will explore the possibility of further cooperation with other countries, international organizations, and Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs).
5. With a view to supporting Pakistan, which makes efforts for tackling terrorism and stabilizing the economy, it was agreed that: (a) Japan steadily implements committed assistance including the aid in FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Area), and (b) will consider, mindful of the current economic situation and need and with careful attention to the progress of the economic program agreed with IMF, appropriate additional assistance which contributes to stabilizing Pakistan and advances poverty reduction.