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Fukuda Cabinet E-Mail Magazine Inaugural Preparatory Issue
(October 4, 2007) ============================================================

"Greetings from Yasuo Fukuda" -- Message from the Prime Minister
(Provisional Translation)

Prime Minister Yasuo FukudaProfile Japanese

Greetings from Yasuo Fukuda.

I am really looking forward to communicating directly with the readers of this e-mail magazine.

"You can't trust politicians or bureaucrats."

The Japanese people have voiced their distrust loud and clear, and I understand what they are saying without reservation.

Without the trust of the people, no policy -- no matter how creditable it may be -- can be brought about. I am therefore resolutely prepared to commit myself wholeheartedly in order to implement good policies, so that the people will once again be able to put their trust in politics and the administration.

There is no master plan for recovering trust.

I believe it is important that I put myself in the shoes of the Japanese people to see things from their viewpoint; and that I work meticulously to implement the necessary policies, one by one. Furthermore, I believe it is essential that the people understand these policies. The ideas and opinions that readers kindly share are enormously valuable in this regard, and I fully intend to increase dialogue with you all.

That is why I decided that the Fukuda Cabinet will continue this e-mail magazine, which was launched by the former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi and carried on by my predecessor, ex-Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

This e-mail magazine is a hotline to every single reader. I look forward to receiving many different opinions and hearing about anything you would like to share. I very much hope to make this e-mail magazine a platform for interactive dialogue with all readers.

* Policy Speech by Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda to the 168th Session of the Diet (October 1, 2007)

[What's up around the Prime Minister]

- Inauguration of the Fukuda Cabinet (September 26, 2007) and others

[Fukuda Cabinet E-mail Magazine]

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General Editor: Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda
Chief Editor: Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Matushige Oono
Publication: Cabinet Public Relations Office
1-6-1 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8968, Japan

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