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What's up around the Prime Minister

The 7th Meeting of the Council on the Promotion of Cultural Diplomacy

Monday, July 11, 2005

Photograph of Prime Minister delivering an address
Photograph of Prime Minister receiving a report

The 7th meeting of the Council on the Promotion of Cultural Diplomacy was held at the Prime Minister's Official Residence. At the meeting, the Council's report entitled "Establishing Japan as 'Peaceful Nation of Cultural Exchange'" was decided upon and Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi received this report from Mr. Tamotsu Aoki, the Chair of the Council.

The report discussed the reason why Japan at present needs to consider the perspective of cultural diplomacy. It also provides recommendations on the challenges and strategies pertaining to the three basic principles of cultural diplomacy\transmission, acceptance, coexistence\and the action guidelines towards their realization as well as a system to promote cultural diplomacy and priority regions.

In receiving the report, Prime Minister Koizumi stated, "While attention tends to be given to the security and economic aspects when discussing diplomacy, Japan is also an attractive country in terms of culture and sports in ways we do not even realize. I believe it is important to transmit these wonderful features of Japan while at the same time actively accepting people from abroad. The government intends to take up and review the Council's recommendations with such understanding."