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What's up around the Prime Minister

Awards Ceremony to Present the Prime Minister's Commendations on Contributors to Public Safety

Friday, July 1, 2005

Photograph of Prime Minister conferring the awards
Photograph of Prime Minister delivering an address

Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi hosted an annual ceremony at the Prime Minister's Official Residence to commend individuals and organizations who have significantly contributed to public safety.

The commendations for contributors to public safety are presented to recognize their great achievements in preventing the outbreak of disasters that could threaten daily life such as industrial disasters, traffic accidents and fires. The awards ceremony is held every year on July 1, designated as National Public Safety Day. At this year's awards ceremony, 25 individuals and organizations were presented the commendations on their achievements in such areas as traffic safety, school safety, industrial safety, fire prevention and nuclear safety.

After conferring the awards, Prime Minister Koizumi offered his words of congratulations by saying, "July 1 is the National Public Safety Day. I would like each one of you to endeavor to create a safe society so that your activities will encourage many people towards this goal. The government is determined to fully support your activities and performances. I hope that all of you will take this award as an opportunity to make further efforts and achievements in your own region while taking into consideration your own health."

At the end of the ceremony, Ms. Toshiko Nishitani, the Principal of the Tosa Shizen Gakuen, Hikari no Mura school for children with disabilities, delivered an address of gratitude on behalf of the awardees by stating, "We promise to make further efforts as we have been bestowed this award."