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TopWhat's up around the Prime MinisterApril, 2004
What's up around the Prime Minister

Prime Minister Observes Activities of the
Green Employment Program in Wakayama Prefecture

Thursday, April 29, 2004

The Photograph of Prime Minister who Chats with Former Urban Migrant Workers with about 2 years' Experience in Forestry Activities The Photograph of Prime Minister Koizumi Chats with Urban Migrant Workers' Families The Photograph of Prime Minister Koizumi who Plants a Cherry Blossom Seedling at Kumano Hongu Taisha The Photograph of Prime Minister Koizumi who Visits a Plum Orchard in Minabegawa Village

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Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi visited Wakayama Prefecture to observe the activities of the Green Employment Program.

Prime Minister Koizumi first visited Nakahechi Town to observe the site of the "Green Employment Program." The "Green Employment Program" aims to provide assistance for employment of people originally from rural areas currently residing in an urban area who wish to return to their hometown or move to another rural area to engage in forestry businesses, and to foster them as forestry technicians. It also holds the purpose of promoting people to settle in rural mountainous areas, which have been currently experiencing depopulation, as well as advancing measures for the prevention of global warming. Prime Minister Koizumi visited the site working on tree thinning and chatted with former urban migrant workers with about 2 years' experience in forestry activities. Prime Minister Koizumi also met with their families and gave his words of encouragement.

Prime Minister Koizumi then visited a shrine called Kumano Hongu Taisha that is expected to be included on the World Heritage List and planted a cherry blossom seedling.

In the afternoon, Prime Minister Koizumi visited a plum orchard in Minabegawa Village and received an explanation from the plum growers.

After seeing the various sites, Prime Minister Koizumi said, "You hardly get a chance to walk on bare soil surrounded by greenery under the bright sun in Tokyo. I have been encouraged today by watching the efforts in the regions by its people."