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Commemorative Ceremony for the 150th Anniversary of the US-Japan Relationship

Saturday, April 3, 2004

The Photograph of the Commemorative Ceremony for the 150th Anniversary of the US-Japan Relationship

Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi attended the commemorative ceremony for the 150th anniversary of US-Japan relationship held in Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture.

This commemorative ceremony was held to celebrate the 150 years of Japan-US relations since the conclusion of the Treaty of Peace and Amity in 1854 at the open port square in Yokohama City where the treaty was concluded.

At the ceremony, following the address by Prime Minister Koizumi and by Mr. Howard Baker, the United States Ambassador to Japan, a video message from Mr. George W. Bush, the President of the United States, was screened, and the guests of honor planted a commemorative dogwood tree. Speeches were also given by Japanese and American students on the theme of friendship between the two countries.

Prime Minister Koizumi in his address said, "The Japan-US alliance, on top of ensuring the security of Japan, forms the basis of peace and stability of the Asia-Pacific region. Japan-US relations today affect not only the areas of politics and economics, but have also expanded into social and various other areas. I hope that a promising future for the people of both countries and of the world will be realized through further development of our relations."

The Commemorative Message for the 150th anniversary of US-Japan Relationship
Video Message from Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi
Real Player[Real 34k / Real 300k]
Windows Media Player [Media 34k / Media 300k]
Video Message from President George. W. Bush
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Windows Media Player [Media 34k / Media 300k]