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What's up around the Prime Minister

Chairman of the Governing Council of Iraq Pays Courtesy Call on the Prime Minister

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

The Photograph of Prime Minister Koizumi who Shakes Hands with Mr. Mohammed Bahr Al Uloom

Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi received a courtesy call from Mr. Mohammed Bahr Al Uloom, the Chairman of the Governing Council of Iraq and the delegation at the Prime Minister's Official Residence.

The Governing Council of Iraq is the main organization of the interim authority that represents the interests of the people of Iraq to the international community, and appoints interim ministers and oversees the interim administration during the transitional period until an interim government is established in late June, 2004.

At the opening of the meeting, Chairman Uloom gave an address by saying, "Meeting Prime Minister Koizumi has obliterated my weariness from the tight schedule. I highly evaluate the courageous decision of Prime Minister Koizumi on the dispatch of the Self-Defense Force (SDF) personnel to Iraq."

In the meeting, Chairman Uloom expressed his expectations on the assistance provided by Japan including the dispatch of the SDF members. Prime Minister Koizumi explained Japan's policy to continue its reconstruction assistance activities by the SDF personnel and said, "If the threats of terrorism are minimized in Iraq, private corporations and civilians would also be able to engage in the reconstruction activities."

Prime Minister Koizumi and Chairman Uloom shared the view on the importance of the role played by the United Nations in the reconstruction process of Iraq.