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TopWhat's up around the Prime MinisterOctober, 2003
What's up around the Prime Minister

The Second Day of the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

The Photograph of APEC Leaders who Take a Memorial Photograph The Photograph of APEC Summit Meeting The Photograph of Prime Minister Koizumi who Held a Press Conference

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Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi participated in the second day of discussion at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting.

During the meeting, the leaders discussed on issues on the reconstruction of Iraq and issues of North Korea as well as measures against terrorism and energy security. The leaders then adopted the Bangkok Declaration on Partnership for the Future which incorporates the reinvigoration of World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations, eradication of transnational terrorist groups and protection of intellectual property rights.

The leaders also announced the "APEC Leaders' Statement on Health Security", which incorporates the promotion of cooperative efforts to monitor, respond to and prevent critical infectious disease, learning from the anthrax case which took place in the United States in 2001, and the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) which broke out in 2003.

Prime Minister Koizumi held a press conference after the Summit Meeting and made his comment that at the APEC meetings, I believe I was able to confirm the importance and necessity to revitalize the new round of the WTO for further trade and investment liberalization in the APEC region, and the structural reform of each country, as well as the cooperation for the eradication of terrorism. He further said that with regard to the issues on North Korea, I believe I was able to gain the understanding and cooperation of each country on utilizing the six-party talks as an occasion to work on North Korea for a peaceful and diplomatic solution.

Bangkok Declaration on Partnership for the Future
APEC Leaders' Statement on Health Security