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TopWhat's up around the Prime MinisterSeptember, 2003
What's up around the Prime Minister

Senior Vice-Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries Meetings

Thursday, September 25, 2003

The Ceremonial Photograph of Senior Vice-Ministers Meeting for the second reshuffled Koizumi Cabinet The Ceremonial Photograph of Parliamentary Secretaries Meeting for the second reshuffled Koizumi Cabinet

Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi attended the first Senior Vice-Ministers Meeting and Parliamentary Secretaries Meeting at the Prime Minister's Official Residence since his Cabinet reshuffle that took place on September 22. At the extraordinary Cabinet meeting held in the afternoon of September 24, decision was taken on 22 Senior Vice-Ministers, including one continuing in his post, for the second reshuffled Koizumi Cabinet. In the afternoon of September 25, an attestation ceremony was held at the Imperial Palace. At the first Senior Vice-Ministers Meeting held subsequently, Prime Minister Koizumi stated his expectations that everyone would work in union and devote their utmost efforts to achieve reform so that the buds of reform should grow into a mighty tree.

Moreover, at the extraordinary Cabinet meeting held in the morning of September 25, decision was taken on 26 Parliamentary Secretaries, including three continuing in their posts, and the first Parliamentary Secretaries Meeting was held that evening with Prime Minister Koizumi in attendance.