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TopWhat's up around the Prime MinisterJuly, 2003
What's up around the Prime Minister

Young People Taking Part in the Northern Youth Exchange Project Pay Courtesy Call on the Prime Minister

Thursday, July 24, 2003

The Photograph of the Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi who Shankes Hands with Young People Taking Part in the Northern Youth Exchange Project

Young people descended from families who once lived in the Northern Territories of Japan paid a call on Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi at the Prime Minister's Official Residence.

Seven young people visited Prime Minister Koizumi on this occasion, including Miss Saki Ishibashi of Habomai Junior High School and Mr. Keisuke Yamagata of Ochiishi Junior High School, both in Nemuro City in Hokkaido.

In an opening address, Miss Ishihashi revealed a part of her essay that won the first prize in the Nemuro City Youth Speech Contest: "A lot of people travel back and forth to the Northern Territories without visas, but my grandmother, the one who should most want to go there, still refuses to visit. She says even if she could go, as long as the islands are not recognized as belonging to Japan, such a visit would be meaningless - the islands are no place for a trip. The most crucial thing for the early return of the Northern Territories is public consensus. As the former residents of the islands are already over 70, the task of communicating their wishes to the public and the government is up to us."

Prime Minister Koizumi said, "When I meet President Putin, I also discuss this issue with him. It is important that all of you carry on the determination of your grandfathers and grandmothers and convey this issue to the people."

The young people will take part in the Kanto-Koshin'etsu Youth Exchange Meeting to be held in Yamanashi Prefecture on July 26 and 27 and are expected to deepen understanding and recognition of Northern Territories issues through exchange with young people of the same age.