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TopWhat's up around the Prime MinisterMay, 2003
What's up around the Prime Minister

Japan-Russia Summit Meeting

Wednesday, May 30, 2003

The Photograph of Prime Minister Koizumi who Receive a Hearty Welcome from President Putin The Photograph of Leaders who Go on a Tour around the Sports Academy before the Summit Meeting The Photograph of Japan-Russia Summit Meeting

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Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi left Haneda Airport on May 29 to attend celebrations for the 300th anniversary of the founding of St. Petersburg and the Evian G8 Summit, and arrived in St. Petersburg, Russia at dawn of May 30 (early morning of May 30, Japan Time).

In the morning of May 30, Prime Minister Koizumi held talks with President Vladimir Putin at an advanced sports academy in the city of St. Petersburg, the birthplace of President Putin. Before the summit meeting, the leaders visited the judo hall of the academy, where President Putin learned judo in his younger days. They watched students practicing, and talked with the former judo gold medalist, Mr. Yasuhiro Yamashita who is a current professor of Tokai University and visiting coach at the academy.

At the summit, Prime Minister Koizumi expressed his view that political dialogue should be reactivated at any levels, including leader level dialogue, in order to move forward with negotiations on a peace treaty, and invited President Putin to visit Japan. President Putin responded positively, expressing his eagerness to act on the issue of sealing the peace treaty, and said, in regard to a visit to Japan, that he was willing to go, but would carefully consider the schedule in view of the presidential election coming up next March."

Prime Minister Koizumi also said, in relation to the oil pipeline project from East Siberia to the Far East, a central pillar of the Japan-Russia Action Plan, that it was a desirable plan for both countries to strengthen our interdependent relationship. President Putin expressed his enthusiasm, saying that this was a very important joint project."