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TopWhat's up around the Prime MinisterMarch, 2003
What's up around the Prime Minister

Sixth Meeting of the Central Disaster Prevention Council

Tuesday, March 18, 2003

Sixth Meeting of the Central Disaster Prevention Council

The sixth meeting of the Central Disaster Prevention Council was held at the Prime Minister's Official Residence.

At this meeting, the "Basic Policy on Developing a Disaster Prevention Information System," which includes provisions for advancing methods to share disaster prevention information making use of the latest information systems, and the "2003 General Principles Relating to the Comprehensive Drill for Disaster Prevention" were decided upon.

Furthermore, a report was made by the Expert Committee on Tokai Earthquakes concerning the expected earthquake damage by a Tokai earthquake, and predictions were finalized for the number of persons who would be affected and the amount of damage that would be incurred depending on specific conditions, including the time of the earthquake and the occurrence of tidal waves, fires and other events. Consideration will be given in future to various measures including what kind of preventive measures are to be taken immediately, and Guidelines for Earthquake and Disaster Prevention Measures Related to a Tokai Earthquake (provisional name) will be drawn up.