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TopWhat's up around the Prime MinisterMarch, 2003
What's up around the Prime Minister

Prime Minister Meets with the Governor-to-be
of the Bank of Japan

Friday, March 14, 2003

Prime Minister Koizumi greets Toshihiko Fukui, Bank of Japan Governor-to-be

Prime Minster Junichiro Koizumi invited Toshihiko Fukui, as the Bank of Japan Governor-to-be and Toshiro Muto and Kazumasa Iwata, who have been appointed as the next Deputy Governors, to the Prime Minister's Official Residence for a meeting. Minister of Finance Masajuro Shiokawa and Minister of State for Financial Services, Economic and Fiscal Policy Heizo Takenaka also attended the meeting.

Regarding the nomination of the Governor and Deputy Governors of the Bank of Japan, in light of the fact that approval was granted this day in the plenary session of the House of Councilors, following the approval from the House of Representatives, official appointments are to be made on March 20.

During the meeting, Prime Minister Koizumi called on Mr. Fukui to take a positive approach to addressing important issues, such as overcoming deflation, to which Mr. Fukui showed his determination by responding, "I will do my best." Furthermore, speaking to members of the press after his meeting with Prime Minister Koizumi, Mr. Fukui commented on the creation of regular opportunities for consultation between the Government and the Bank of Japan, stating, "that is desirable from the perspective of ensuring transparency in policy as well."