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What's up around the Prime Minister

Ninth Meeting of the Urban Renaissance Headquarters

Friday, January 31, 2003

Ninth Meeting of the Urban Renaissance Headquarters

The ninth meeting of the Urban Renaissance Headquarters was held at the Prime Minister's Official Residence.

At the meeting, "Formation of Urban Centers through Strategic Use of Land owned by the Government" was adopted as the Fifth Urban Renaissance Project. This project will make use of valuable land owned by the Government in urban areas as a catalyst to strategically advance urban renaissance. Specifically, the former sites of the Government buildings in the Otemachi area of Tokyo and Nagoya City will be redeveloped and reborn in such forms as an international business center. Moreover, a report was given on the state of consideration under "Emergency Measures for Nationwide Urban Renaissance - From Wakkanai City to Ishigaki City."

At the close of the meeting, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi stated, "Currently although urban renaissance is being advanced throughout the nation under the slogan 'From Wakkanai City to Ishigaki City' it is imperative that progress be made in a way that yields tangible results as soon as possible. I call upon each Minister to bear in mind the discussions of today's meeting and redouble your efforts."