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TopWhat's up around the Prime MinisterJanuary, 2003
What's up around the Prime Minister

Prime Minister Delivers General Policy Speech to 156th Session of the Diet

Friday, January 31, 2003

Prime Minister Koizumi delivers the general policy speech to 156th session of the Diet

Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi delivered a general policy speech to a plenary session of both houses of the Diet.

In his speech, Prime Minister Koizumi outlined his basic policies on the affairs of state, stating, "In the midst of the socio-economic transformation in a global scale, the Japanese economy faces stagnation due to complex structural elements, not merely from cyclical changes of the economy. The presence of 'negative heritage' such as non-performing loans and fiscal deficits, and the continuation of a deflationary situation which has never been experienced in the post-war period have brought about a significantly negative impact on economic activity and the lives of the people. It is through advancing bold structural reform and creating a structure befitting the 21st century that we can overcome the current situation and make it possible to realize rebirth and greater development for Japan." The Prime Minister also stressed his resolve to maintain the path of reform and achieve economic revival, stating that, "The reforms are on the way, and it will take some time to see that the results are clearly visible. Japan maintains a large foundation to support economic growth, such as high technological prowess, abundant personal assets and a stable society. In spite of the severe circumstances, many people, enterprises and communities are facing forward to take on the challenges that they face. I will materialize these efforts as quickly as possible through advancing reforms, thus leading to the development of our nation."

Furthermore, the Prime Minister stressed his intent for Japan to play an active role in the prevention and eradication of terrorism and the "consolidation of peace and nation building" for crisis management and towards ensuring stability in the international community as a member of the international community. Moreover, the Prime Minister stated that in order to ensure the peace, security and prosperity of Japan, he would proactively tackle challenges that are facing the international community, and that regarding North Korea, the Government would work towards the normalization of diplomatic relations in consultation with concerned nations and based on the Japan-DPRK Pyongyang Declaration, and that it would make maximum efforts towards a total resolution of the abduction issues.

In closing his address, Prime Minister Koizumi called upon the people of Japan, stating that "In the tumultuous times of the Meiji Restoration and in the confusion in the wake of defeat in the Second World War, our predecessors boldly faced adversity and created the Japan of today. New challenges will not arise from pessimism. Although we are indeed in a severe economic situation, we have within us by far abundant stock as compared to the stock in the previous times and great potential which stems from the stock. Learning from the past, and looking forward with courage and hope, should we not now build a new Japan?"

LINK:-General Policy Speech by Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi to the 156th Session of the Diet