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TopWhat's up around the Prime MinisterJanuary, 2003
What's up around the Prime Minister

First Meeting of the Headquarters for the Promotion
of Special Zones for Structural Reform

Tuesday, January 21, 2003

First Meeting of the Headquarters for the Promotion of Special Zones for Structural Reform

The first meeting of the new Headquarters for the Promotion of Special Zones for Structural Reform was held at the Prime Minister's Official Residence. In response to the enactment in December 2002 of the Law on the Special Zones for Structural Reform, the former Headquarters for the Promotion of Special Zones for Structural Reform was abolished and the new Headquarters established.

At the meeting, a report was made on the second round of proposals for special zones for structural reform which closed on January 15, and the Basic Policy on the Special Zones for Structural Reform establishing the outline of the system was approved in preparation for accommodating applications for approval of special zones from April. The Basic Policy is to be submitted for approval by the Cabinet.

On closing the meeting, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi stated, "I have heard that the second round of proposals attracted 651 submissions from local governments and the private sector, a number that exceeds the previous round. I would like to call on the relevant ministers to work to heighten the enthusiasm of local governments and the private sector for accomplishing structural reform."