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TopWhat's up around the Prime MinisterJanuary, 2003
What's up around the Prime Minister

Prime Minister Meets With Russian Presidential
Plenipotentiary to the Far Eastern Federal District

Sunday, January 12, 2003

Prime Minister Koizumi meets with Presidential Plenipotentiary to the Far Eastern Federal District Konstantin Pulikovsky Prime Minister Koizumi meets with former participants in the JET programme Prime Minister Koizumi lays a wreath at the Peace Memorial Park Prime Minister Koizumi holds a press conference

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After arriving in Khabarovsk, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi held a meeting with Presidential Plenipotentiary to the Far Eastern Federal District Konstantin Pulikovsky during the morning.

During their meeting, the Prime Minister stated that it was important to come up with concrete results based on the Japan-Russia Action Plan which was agreed and signed on January 10 and stressed that he puts great importance on Japan's relations with the Far Eastern Region. In response, Presidential Plenipotentiary Pulikovsky stated that he expected that the visit to the Russian Federation by Prime Minister Koizumi would lead to development in relations between both countries and with the Far Eastern Region. Furthermore, they exchanged views regarding North Korean issues.

After the meeting, the Prime Minister attended a gathering of Russian youths who lived in Japan under the Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme, an international exchange program implemented by Japan through which foreign youth are invited to Japan to work in positions such as language instructors).

In the afternoon Prime Minister Koizumi attended a banquet hosted by Governor Viktor Ishaef of the Khabarovsk Region. In his address to the banquet, Prime Minister Koizumi called for greater exchange between Japan and the Far Eastern Region, mentioning an episode involving Daikokuya Kodayu.

Prime Minister Koizumi then visited the Peace Memorial Park and offered flowers. Summarizing his trip to Russia, Prime Minister Koizumi held a press conference. At the press conference Prime Minister Koizumi stressed his resolve to conclude a peace treaty between Japan and the Russian Federation at an early date. Furthermore, regarding the declaration by North Korea to withdraw from the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), Prime Minister Koizumi stated, "I intend to tenaciously urge North Korea that a peaceful solution is in its best interests."

Prime Minister Koizumi departed for Japan the same evening.