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What's up around the Prime Minister

Thirty-Eighth Meeting of the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy

Friday, November 29, 2002

Thirty-Eighth Meeting of the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy

The Thirty-Eighth Meeting of the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy (CEFP) was held at the Prime Minister's Official Residence.

At the meeting, the "Guidelines for Formulation of the FY2003 Budget" were reported on to Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi. The report outlines the basic concept for the FY2003 Budget including maintaining the basic path of the "budget for resolute reform" of FY2002 while accelerating expenditure reform, advancing administrative reform and making efforts toward fundamental tax reform, and mentions a total of ten items including items for focused implementation and items related to reviews of systems and measures.

The Guidelines were decided by Cabinet decision in an extraordinary Cabinet meeting held after the CEFP meeting. In the statement by the Prime Minister issued following the decision, Prime Minister Koizumi stated that the Koizumi Cabinet will unite to formulate an FY2003 Budget worthy of being a "budget for resolute reform" and will advance forward in creating a vibrant economy and society and a sustainable fiscal structure.

LINK: Statement by Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi on the Guidelines for Formulation of the FY 2003 Budget (Cabinet Decision) Responding to the Proposals of the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy (CEFP)

LINK:Statement by Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi on the Guidelines for Formulation of the FY2003 Budget (Cabinet Decision) Responding to the Proposals of the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy (CEFP)