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TopWhat's up around the Prime MinisterOctober, 2002
What's up around the Prime Minister

Prime Minister Delivers General Policy Speech
to the 155th Session of the Diet

Friday, October 18, 2002

Prime Minister Delivers General Policy Speech to the 155th Session of the Diet

The 155th extraordinary session of the Diet was opened and Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi delivered a general policy speech to a plenary session of the House of Representatives and the House of Councilors.

In his policy speech, Prime Minister Koizumi clearly stressed his posture of ceaselessly carrying out structural reforms without sanctuaries and indicated his intention to resume the normalization talks with North Korea in order to ensure the peace and stability of the Northeast Asian region and seek a resolution of the abduction issues through those talks.

Moreover, the Prime Minister made clear following things: that rebirth of the Japanese economy is positioned as the most important task, that the Government and the Bank of Japan will unite to tackle the issue of overcoming deflation, that he will act boldly and flexibly to secure the stability of the financial system and the economy while accelerating the disposal of non-performing loans with a view to concluding that by the end of FY2004, that he will advance preparations for the introduction of the payoff system while making every effort to provide safety nets, that while implementing an advance tax reduction in excess of 1 trillion yen, he will advance considerations aiming for a tax system that is fair, simple and easy-to-understand, that he will carry out bold regulatory reform through the realization of special zones for structural reform, that regarding foreign policy, the he will ensure that Japan actively fulfills its role in the fight against terrorism and contributes to the peace and stability of the world, and that regarding the issue of Iraq, Japan will continue to carry out diplomatic efforts in cooperation with the international community.

LINK:General Policy Speech by Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi to the 155th Session of the Diet