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TopWhat's up around the Prime MinisterAugust, 2002
What's up around the Prime Minister

Eleventh Meeting of the Cabinet Headquarters for Administrative Reform

Friday, August 2, 2002

Eleventh Meeting of the Cabinet Headquarters for Administrative Reform

The eleventh meeting of the Cabinet Headquarters for Administrative Reform was held at the Prime Minister's Official Residence.

During the meeting, the "Modalities for Fundamental Reform of Recruitment Examinations" was decided upon. This outlines, among other things, the transformation of the recruitment system for national public servants from the traditional system centering on the results of examinations to a system that will give priority to personal evaluations, based on the "Guidelines for Reform of the Public Servant System" adopted by Cabinet Decision in December 2001.

Furthermore, a report was made on "Toward Fundamental Reform of the Public Service Corporation System (Summary of Discussions)," which compiles the current state of deliberations regarding the "Guidelines for Reform of the Public Service Corporation System and Other Systems (provisional name)," which is slated for compilation during the current fiscal year.

Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi addressed the Meeting, stating, "The core of all reforms is 'people,' and it is important to employ and train highly capable and motivated young people as national public servants in order to solve the various issues that our nation faces."