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What's up around the Prime Minister

First Meeting of the Headquarters for the Promotion of Special Zones for Structural Reform

Friday, July 26, 2002

First Meeting of the Headquarters for the Promotion of Special Zones for Structural Reform

The first meeting of the Headquarters for the Promotion of Special Zones for Structural Reform was held at the Ministerial Office in the Diet Building.

This Headquarters was established for the purpose of realizing revitalization of the Japanese economy and local regions by advancing regulatory reforms with the highest respect for the initiatives of local communities through the promotion of a system of special zones for structural reform. All Cabinet Ministers are members of the Headquarters.

During the meeting, Prime Minister Koizumi stated that special zones for structural reform would prove a breakthrough in accelerating the "shift from the public to the private sector" and "from the central to local governments" in the structural reforms of the Koizumi Cabinet.

After receiving proposals from local governments and others the Headquarters will make a decision on a program to promote special zones for structural reform by early October of this year.