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TopWhat's up around the Prime MinisterJuly, 2002
What's up around the Prime Minister

Young People Taking Part in the Northern Youth Exchange Project Pay Courtesy Call on the Prime Minister

Thursday, July 25, 2002

Young People Taking Part in the Northern Youth Exchange Project Pay Courtesy Call on the Prime Minister

Young people descended from families that had lived in the Northern Territories of Japan paid a visit on Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi at the Prime Minister's Official Residence.

Seven young people visited the Prime Minister on this occasion, including Mizuki Hamasawa of Koyo Middle School in Nemuro City and Kazuo Yamamoto of Notsuke Middle School in Bekkai Town, both in Hokkaido.

Prime Minister Koizumi stressed that he would continue negotiations with Russia, stating, "I am pleased that young people like you are earnestly engaged in the issue of the Northern Territories. The return of the four northern islands is the ardent wish of Japan."

Moreover, the young people will take part in the Kanto-Koshin'etsu Youth Exchange Meeting to be held in Tochigi Prefecture on July 27 and 28 and are expected to enhance understanding and recognition of Northern Territories issues through exchange with young people of the same age.