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TopWhat's up around the Prime MinisterMay, 2002
What's up around the Prime Minister

Third Meeting of the Strategic Council on Intellectual Properties

Wednesday, May 22, 2002

Photo: Third Meeting of the Strategic Council on Intellectual Properties

The third meeting of the Strategic Council on Intellectual Properties was held at the Prime Minister's Official Residence.

At the meeting, an agreement was reached to incorporate a proposal for the establishment of the "Basic Law on Intellectual Properties (provisional name)" within the "Outline for Intellectual Property Strategy (provisional name)" to be decided in the beginning of July. This law would lay out the path to be pursued in the future under a national strategy to establish Japan as a nation that is built on the platform of intellectual properties.

The main features of the "Outline for Intellectual Property Strategy (provisional name)" compiled at the meeting include the following four pillars to establish Japan as a nation that is built on the platform of intellectual properties; (1) a "creative strategy" for promoting the acquisition of intellectual property rights by enterprises and universities, (2) a "protection strategy" to increase the speed of patent examinations and trials and strengthen overseas protection, (3) an "application strategy" for promoting the application of intellectual properties at universities and elsewhere, and (4) the "enrichment of the human foundation" for the training of specialists. Focused and planned actions by the Government would be taken by FY2005 in line with the outline.