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TopWhat's up around the Prime MinisterMay, 2002
What's up around the Prime Minister

Prime Minister Attends the Okinawa Reversion 30th Anniversary Ceremony

Sunday, May 19, 2002

PHOTO:Prime Minister Attends the Okinawa Reversion 30th Anniversary Ceremony1 PHOTO:Prime Minister Attends the Okinawa Reversion 30th Anniversary Ceremony2

Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi attended the Okinawa Reversion 30th Anniversary Ceremony held at the Okinawa Convention Center in Ginowan City, Okinawa Prefecture.

This was the first Reversion Ceremony hosted jointly by the Government of Japan and Okinawa Prefecture. In addition to Prime Minister Koizumi and Governor Keiichi Inamine of Okinawa Prefecture, the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the House of Councilors, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and the United States Ambassador to Japan also attended.

In his address to the ceremony, Prime Minister Koizumi commented on the promotion of development in Okinawa, stating "I will do my utmost to ensure that an Okinawa Development Plan based on new legislation is decided upon at the earliest possible date, and I will continue to collaborate with Okinawa Prefecture with a view toward realizing self-sustainable development and an abundant lifestyle for the people of Okinawa Prefecture." With regard to the issue of US military bases, Prime Minister Koizumi stated "I intend to strive sincerely with the understanding and cooperation of all concerned to reduce the burden borne by the people of Okinawa through steps including the realignment, consolidation and reduction of US facilities and areas, beginning with the relocation and return of Futenma Air Station."

Following the ceremony, a reception was held, at which a traditional "sake barrel opening" was conducted and "Ryukyuan classical dance" was performed.