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What's up around the Prime Minister

The Third Meeting of the Advisory Board of the Office for Promotion of Justice System Reform

Thursday, March 7, 2002

The Third Meeting of the Advisory Board for the Office for Promotion of Justice System Reform

The Third Meeting of the Advisory Board of the Office for Promotion Justice System Reform was held at the Prime Minister's Official Residence.

At the meeting, discussions were made on the Draft Program for Promoting of Justice System Reform which explicitly outlines the blueprint of the measures concerning justice system reform in line with the Recommendations of the Justice System Reform Council issued on June 12, 2001.

During his address, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi stated, "The kind of society that we are aiming to achieve through structural reform is a society in which efforts will be rewarded. Through these justice reforms, I believe that we will be able to form the basis of a society in which the just are protected. From that perspective, these reforms are one of the most important areas of reform in that justice system should be reliable for and close to the people and that justice should be served."

The Draft Program for Promoting Justice System Reform is scheduled to be decided upon at the Office for Promotion of Justice System Reform and is expected to be adopted by the Cabinet during March.