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What's up around the Prime Minister

Japan-Republic of Korea Goodwill Ambassadors Pay Courtesy Call on Prime Minister

Tuesday, January 22, 2002

Japan-Republic of Korea Goodwill Ambassadors Pay Courtesy Call on Prime Minister

The 2002 Japan-Republic of Korea Goodwill Ambassadors, Norika Fujiwara and Kim Yun-Jin, paid a courtesy call on Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi at the Prime Minister's Official Residence.

Prime Minister Koizumi welcomed the two goodwill ambassadors with a smile and a commemorative photograph was taken.

This year is the Year of Japan-Republic of Korea National Exchange and it is expected that exchange in various areas will take place between Japan and the Republic of Korea (ROK). Both of the goodwill ambassadors were designated in order to heighten the friendly and forward-looking mood between Japan and the ROK into the future and over the course of 2002 it is expected that they will participate in a variety of major events.

In addition, the goodwill ambassadors will attend the Opening Ceremony for the Year of Japan-Republic of Korea National Exchange, which will be held in Tokyo on January 28.