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Submissions of First Proposal for the Promotion of Regulatory Reform

Tuesday, December 11, 2001

Submissions of First Proposal for the Promotion of Regulatory Reform

At the Prime Minister's Official Residence the Chairman Yoshihiko Miyauchi of the Council for Regulatory Reform submitted the First Proposal for the Promotion of Regulatory Reform to Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi.

The proposal says that, under the basic principle that all that can be accomplished by the private sectors should be left in its hands as much as possible, in addition to the abolition and easing of regulations, it is important to tackle the creation of new rules for such issues as information disclosure, establishment of a monitoring structure, and safety nets, and to accelerate the implementation of reform measures.

The proposal includs concrete measures for regulatory reform in six priority areas of medical care, welfare and childcare, human resources (labor), education, environment and urban renaissance, in addition to the fields of law and justice, finance and others.