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What's up around the Prime Minister

Joint Meeting of the Special Public Institutions Reform Promotion Headquarters (Fourth Meeting) and the Cabinet Headquarters for Administrative Reform (Seventh Meeting)

Tuesday, November 27, 2001

Joint Meeting of the Special Public Institutions Reform Promotion Headquarters (Fourth Meeting) and the Cabinet Headquarters for Administrative Reform (Seventh Meeting)

The Joint Meeting of the Special Public Institutions Reform Promotion Headquarters (Fourth Meeting) and the Cabinet Headquarters for Administrative Reform (Seventh Meeting) was held in the Ministerial Office in the Diet Building. The meeting began by Minister of State for Administrative Reform Nobuteru Ishihara giving an explanation concerning the direction of advance reforms for the seven special public institutions, followed by statements by all ministers concerned with the reforms.

Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi stated, "We have received a report from the Minister of State for Administrative Reform concerning the direction of reform the four highway-related public corporations, Goverment Housing Loan Corporation, the Urban Development Corporation, and the Japan National Oil Corporation. I am grateful that such a reform plan for the corporations has been compiled, since these revisions had been expected to cause a great deal of trouble. From now and towards the end of the year, the "Reorganization and Rationalization Plan for Special Public Institutions" will be formulated, and it is necessary that we undertake thorough revisions to the other corporations that remain. In addition, in the compilation of the budget draft for FY2002, we have preserved our goal of reducing national expenditure on special public institutions by 1 trillion yen, and it is these revisions that have made this possible."