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What's up around the Prime Minister

ASEAN+3 Summit Meeting

Monday, November 5, 2001

ASEAN+3 Summit Meeting Prime Minister Koizumi is flanked by South Korean President Kim Dae Jung (left) and Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji (right) in a show of solidarity Trilateral Meeting of the Leaders of Japan, People's Republic of China, and the Republic of Korea
ASEAN+3 Summit Prime Minister Koizumi shakes hands with Prime Minister of Myanmar Than Shwe after the Japan-Myanmar Summit Meeting Japan-Laos Summit Meeting

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Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi attended the Summit Meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)+3 (Japan, People's Republic of China, the Republic of Korea (ROK)) held in Brunei Darussalam.

Prior to the Summit Meeting, Prime Minister Koizumi met with Premier Zhu Rongji of China and President Kim Dae Jung of the ROK, and exchanged views on issues of terrorism, economic cooperation and cultural exchange. At this Trilateral Leaders Meeting, the firm resolve to fight terrorism was confirmed and it was agreed that the three countries would work closely together to share information and create a structure for cooperation. In addition, it was agreed that in order to further enhance the trilateral relationship in the future, finance ministers' and economic ministers' meetings should be held on a regular basis.

At the ASEAN+3 Summit Meeting, opinions were exchanged on the series of terrorist attacks in the United States, economic cooperation and cultural exchange. The leaders confirmed the strengthening of mutual relations in the East Asian region and the coordinated efforts toward promotion of free trade.

After the Summit Meeting, Prime Minister held a Japan-Myanmar Summit Meeting with Prime Minister Than Shwe, and a Japan-Laos Summit Meeting with Prime Minister Boungnang Vorachith.