
Disaster Prevention Day Drills

Saturday, September 1, 2001

A meeting of relevant Cabinet ministers as part of drills
to respond to an earthquake in the southern Kanto region

A meeting of relevant Cabinet ministers as part of drills to respond to an earthquake in the southern Kanto region

Prime Minister Koizumi observing a disaster prevention drill
on site of the former Chofu base

Prime Minister Koizumi observing a disaster prevention drill on site of the former Chofu base

A comprehensive disaster prevention drill by the Japanese Government was held on September 1, Disaster Prevention Day. At 8:00 A.M. the Director General of the Meteorological Agency warned Prime Minister Koizumi of the imminent likelihood of a major earthquake in the Tokai region. The Prime Minister immediately convened a meeting of relevant Cabinet ministers and an extraordinary Cabinet meeting.

At about 8:30 A.M. he issued an earthquake warning and about ten minutes later convened a meeting of the Earthquake Disaster Warning Headquarters at the Crisis Management Center in the Prime Minister's Official Residence.

From around 9:30 A.M. another disaster prevention drill was carried out in the Tokyo metropolitan area, based on the assumption that a large-scale earthquake had hit the southern Kanto region. At around 10:30 A.M. a meeting of relevant Cabinet ministers and an extraordinary Cabinet meeting were convened, followed by a Declaration of Disaster Emergency, and the establishment of the Headquarters for Emergency Disaster Control. At around 11 A.M. the first meeting of the Headquarters for Emergency Disaster Control was held with all Cabinet members in attendance.

In addition, in the afternoon the Prime Minister attended and observed disaster prevention drills at the site of the former Chofu base and Shin-Tsurumi switchyard. He gave an address at the closing ceremony of the drills.

Upon the conclusion of the Disaster Prevention Day drills, the Prime Minister made the following remark, "I got the real feeling that such drills are of great importance for everyday preparedness. By taking these drills so seriously, we will see their usefulness in the event that real disaster should strike."
