
The Sixteenth Meeting of the Council on
Economic and Fiscal Policy

Tuesday, August 28, 2001

Photo of The Sixteenth Meeting of the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy

The Sixteenth Meeting of the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy was held at the Prime Minister's Official Residence. First, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuo Fukuda explained how the adjustments regarding the Special Requests for the Structural Reforms in the FY2002 budget would proceed.

Next, the CEFP members conducted the first of three follow-up hearings from six ministers, regarding the Basic Policies with the aim set to compile the Reform Schedule for the Basic Policies. The ministers in question were Minister of Justice Mayumi Moriyama, Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Atsuko Toyama, Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare Chikara Sakaguchi, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Takeo Hiranuma, Minister of State for Science and Technology Policy Koji Omi, and Minister for Financial Services Hakuo Yanagisawa.

Each minister gave explanations regarding the policies under their respective portfolios, keeping in mind the following points: (1) What can be done by the autumn; (2) What can be done through legal revisions in the extraordinary Diet session; and (3) What should be done later in the future. Concerning this, some opinions were put forward, one of them regarding whether the reforms could progress faster.
