
The Judicial Reform Council

Tuesday, June 12, 2001

The Judicial Reform Council

At a meeting of the Judicial Reform Council at the Prime Minister's Official Residence, Judicial Reform Council Chairman Koji Sato handed Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi the Council's recommendations. Prime Minister Koizumi stated: "In order to create a free, vibrant and sound economic social system befitting the 21st century, we must further advance the transition to a post facto check and relief society based firmly on clearly established rules and the principle of self-responsibility. Enhancing and strengthening the judicial functions that redress people's rights and benefits is extremely important. In that context, I believe judicial reform is vital to advancing administrative reform, and an important task that should be placed in our national strategy." The Prime Minister further noted that the three pillars upheld in the Council's recommendations, namely "a judicial system that meets public expectations," "modalities for the legal profession that supports the judicial system," and "participation of the people in the judicial system," would receive the greatest attention and that the Cabinet would exert its utmost efforts addressing the realization of judicial reform.
