Headquarters for Emergency Disaster Response for the 2011 Tohoku - Pacific Ocean Earthquake
Friday, March 11, 2011
Photograph of the Prime Minister speaking at the Headquarters for Emergency Disaster Response for the 2011 Tohoku - Pacific Ocean Earthquake 1
Photograph of the Prime Minister speaking at the Headquarters for Emergency Disaster Response for the 2011 Tohoku - Pacific Ocean Earthquake 1
Photograph of the Prime Minister speaking at the Headquarters for Emergency Disaster Response for the 2011 Tohoku - Pacific Ocean Earthquake 2
Prime Minister Naoto Kan held a meeting of the Headquarters for Emergency Disaster Response for the 2011 Tohoku - Pacific Ocean Earthquake, at the Prime Minister's Office.
The Headquarters was established in the wake of the 2011 Tohoku - Pacific Ocean Earthquake, in order for the government to exert every possible effort for emergency disaster responses including the rescue of victims, by working in close coordination with local governments, and to do its utmost for the early recovery of the normal routine in the people's lives and economic activities.
The Prime Minister said at the start of the meeting, "An enormous earthquake occurred off the Sanriku coast [Pacific coast of Northern Japan]. I urge people to act calmly. In particular, those who are near the coast should absolutely and immediately evacuate to higher ground and remain alert for tsunami.
I also ask each and every one to show the spirit of mutual assistance in this time of disaster, in order to mitigate the damage as much as possible."