The Prime Minister Attends the Plenary Session of the House of Councillors

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Photograph of the Prime Minister answering questions at the plenary session of the House of Councillors 1

Photograph of the Prime Minister answering questions at the plenary session of the House of Councillors 1

Photograph of the Prime Minister answering questions at the plenary session of the House of Councillors 1

Photograph of the Prime Minister answering questions at the plenary session of the House of Councillors 1

  • Photograph of the Prime Minister answering questions at the plenary session of the House of Councillors 1
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister answering questions at the plenary session of the House of Councillors 2
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister answering questions at the plenary session of the House of Councillors 3

Photograph of the Prime Minister answering questions at the plenary session of the House of Councillors 2

Photograph of the Prime Minister answering questions at the plenary session of the House of Councillors 2

Photograph of the Prime Minister answering questions at the plenary session of the House of Councillors 3

Photograph of the Prime Minister answering questions at the plenary session of the House of Councillors 3

Prime Minister Naoto Kan attended the plenary session of the House of Councillors.

During the session, Mr. Yoshihiko Noda, Minister of Finance, reported on the summary of the FY2009 audit, and the Prime Minister answered questions from each party and faction in the Diet.

Then, following the passage of the FY2008 audit and five other items deliberated in the Diet, the Prime Minister delivered an address to the plenary session.

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