The Prime Minister Receives a Statement and Holds a Dialogue with the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)/Asia Pacific Labor Network (APLN)
Prime Minister Naoto Kan received a statement toward the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting to be held this November, from the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)/Asia Pacific Labor Network (APLN), and then exchanged views with its representatives at the Prime Minister's Office.
As Chair of the 2010 APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting, Prime Minister Kan said,
"This is a milestone year for APEC, by which the APEC industrialized economies
had agreed to achieve the Bogor Goals aimed at realizing free and open trade
and investment. Japan intends to conduct discussions in order to present an
image of APEC that is fitting for the 21st century.
At the APEC Economic
Leaders' Meeting, I would like to advance discussions among the leaders under
such themes as deepening regional economic integration, region-wide growth strategy,
and human security. In order to address these issues, in addition to intergovernmental
cooperation, it is essential to gain cooperation from industries and labor unions
of each economy. I would like to ask the labor leaders of each economy for your
understanding and cooperation."