Announcement and Award Ceremony of the Logo Mark for the G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit
Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda announced, and held an award ceremony of, the logo mark for the G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit at the Prime Minister's Official Residence.
From July to September last year, the government solicited the logo mark for the G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit from students of primary, lower secondary, secondary, and upper secondary schools, as well as of specially-assisted schools. It was aimed at encouraging the youth to deepen their understanding of environmental and climate change issues, part of the major themes of the Summit. Among 4,198 entries, a logo mark designed by a group of five students including Mr. Atsuya Kondo, the representative of C8 at the Mie Prefectural Hokusei Kirara Gakuen School for Children with Special Needs, was selected as the Summit's logo mark. In this logo mark, the green circle at center embodies a sprouting seed, with the blue circle around it representing the planet Earth. All together, the image symbolizes the coexistence of natural environment and mankind on Earth. It implies a wish that Earth will infinitely remain a beautiful lush green planet, and conveys a message of hope that a sprout generated at the Summit will grow to yield big fruits. In his address, Prime Minister Fukuda said, "I heard that the logo mark solicitation attracted nearly five thousand entries. I am delighted to learn that so many young people seriously considered what message the Summit should convey to the world," and furthermore added, "I hope that each and every one of you will maintain your high aspirations and bring them into actions, whether they be small or big, in your daily lives." Related link: