Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda met with the representatives of the six regional organizations (the National Governors' Association, the National Association of Chairpersons of Prefectural Assemblies, the Japan Association of City Mayors, the National Association of Chairpersons of City Councils, the National Association of Towns and Villages, and the National Association of Chairmen of Town and Village Assemblies), including Mr. Wataru Aso (Governor of Fukuoka Prefecture), the President of the National Governors' Association, at the Prime Minister's Official Residence.
Prime Minister Fukuda received requests from the representatives for the promotion of the decentralization reform aimed at the transferring of revenue sources and power to local governments, as well as the enhancement of the tax revenue sources of the local governments. Upon receiving these requests, Prime Minister Fukuda decided upon policies to establish "a forum for the consultations with the central and local governments" and thereby enhance communication between the two entities in advancing regional revitalization.