Tuesday, February 3, 2009
At the meeting, the Council's agenda for deliberations for the first half of this year was discussed. It was agreed that the Council will address the economic crisis with a focus on employment and financial issues, by conducing a monthly review on the understanding of the situations of the corporate and household sectors and on cross-ministerial responses, among other steps. It was also agreed that the Council will start deliberations for the compilation of the Economic and Fiscal Reform 2009 (Basic Policies). The Council furthermore discussed major points for debate on the agricultural reform, in response to the Ministerial Meeting on Agricultural Policy Reforms on January 30.
Prime Minister Aso said, "The tendency has been getting stronger in recent years for Basic Policies to be a broad collection of each ministry's budget requests for the coming fiscal year. I ask the Council to compile Basic Policies 2009 in a way that is clearly modulated for priorities, so as to be a blueprint for the restoration of the Japanese economy. As for the agricultural reform, the Cabinet has just developed necessary systems. For your part, I would like the Council to hold frank discussions on ideal policy."