Sunday, October 19, 2008
In his address delivered as Commander-in-Chief of the SDF, Prime Minister Aso said, "The members of the SDF are engaged in a very wide range of activities, including around-the-clock early warning and surveillance activity; responding to unpredictable disasters; minesweeping in the Persian Gulf, peacekeeping operations (PKO) in countries such as Cambodia and Timor-Leste; and international emergency aid activities following tsunamis and other disasters. At this very moment, they are working hard with sweat dripping down their foreheads in places far away from home, such as the Golan Heights and Iraq in the Middle East, as well as the Indian Ocean, and Nepal, for the international community and in the interests of Japan. We will soon dispatch SDF members to Sudan, in Africa. I feel proud of you who seriously undertake duties under severe conditions in remote lands, far from family."
On international peace cooperation activities, Prime Minister Aso said, "It is incumbent on Japan, as a responsible member of the international community, to make personnel contributions for the peace and stability of the international community. The ASDF's reconstruction assistance activity in Iraq has been highly appraised by the international community. ASDF members have carried out the mission over the course of approximately four years and seven months since March of 2004, without major incidents. I am proud of this outstanding achievement. In light of the result, we must actively engage, on our initiative, in international peace activities, not least the fight against terrorism."
Furthermore, the Prime Minister emphasized the necessity of continuing replenishment support activities in the Indian Ocean, saying, "Japan has been carrying out the refueling activities for the sake of its national interest. Many other countries are taking steps toward increasing their engagement in Afghanistan, notwithstanding the loss of precious lives. The special measures law for Japan's refueling activities will expire at the beginning of next year, but withdrawal from these activities is not an option for Japan, a member of the international community."
Finally, the Prime Minister concluded, "As Commander-in-Chief of the SDF, I am determined to execute the supreme mission of safeguarding Japan's independence and peace, in unison with you. I would like to conclude this address by expressing my wish that, as you diligently pursue your duties, you will always be aware of the mission of being with and protecting the people, in support of the foundation for Japan's peace and prosperity for years to come."
Afterwards, Prime Minister Aso reviewed about 5,000 members from the Ground Self-Defense Force (GSDF), the Maritime Self-Defense Force (MSDF) and the ASDF, and 40 airplanes.