Monday, September 29, 2008
Prime Minister Taro Aso attended the attestation ceremony at the Imperial Palace with 22 senior vice-ministers, who had assembled at the Prime Minister's Office. Prime Minister Aso and the senior vice-ministers thereafter returned to the Prime Minister's Office and attended a commemorative photograph session, which was also joined by Mr. Takeo Kawamura, Chief Cabinet Secretary, and others. Prime Minister Aso then attended the first meeting of the senior vice-ministers.
Afterwards, Prime Minister Aso delivered letters of appointment to 26 parliamentary secretaries, who had assembled at the Prime Minister's Office. The Prime Minister then attended a commemorative photograph session and the first meeting of the parliamentary secretaries.
At each meeting, Prime Minister Aso explained that his task is to realize a strong and bright Japan. In his addresses, Prime Minister Aso presented the basic points that he expects the senior vice-ministers and the parliamentary secretaries to follow, namely, to proceed with policies focused on the people, while bearing in mind that the people's anxieties over business activity, the economy, and daily lives are altogether leading to dissatisfaction over politics; to exercise effective command over the civil servants in their respective posts; and to put the people first as they carry out the tasks of ministries, in pursuit of the national interest rather than the interests of ministries.