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The Prime Minister in Action
Meeting of the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy
January 21, 2021
[Provisional Translation]
On January 21, 2021, the Prime Minister held the first meeting of the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy in 2021 at the Prime Minister’s Office.
At the meeting, the participants engaged in discussions on the future agenda for the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy, the economic and fiscal projections for medium to long term analysis and measures for securing medical treatment structures.
Following the discussions, the Prime Minister said,
“One year has already passed since we started our battle against the novel coronavirus. We will firstly exert every effort to contain infections, and turn them to a declining trend.
As we discussed today, against the backdrop that Japan has more hospital beds per capita compared to other countries, we still need a wider range of hospitals to accept novel coronavirus patients. Recently, we began providing subsidies of up to 19.5 million yen per bed. The Government intends to closely collaborate with local governments under the initiative of Minister Tamura, and secure hospital beds, utilizing such an incentive.
Currently, under the leadership of Minister Kono, we are making preparations to begin administering the vaccine by late February to the extent possible. We will make all out efforts to administer a safe vaccine, which will serve as the decisive factor as we battle the virus, as early as possible.
Once we have contained infections through these measures, we will exert every effort towards economic recovery. In these four months since my appointment, we have been addressing issues that have persisted for many years, including the fields of green and digital, the declining birthrate, and increasing income in rural areas, starting with what we can do. I ask you to continue engaging in lively discussions this year on the direction and concrete plans of reforms.”