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The Prime Minister in Action

15th Meeting of the Emergency Response Headquarters for the Heavy Rain in July 2018

July 30, 2018

Photograph of the Prime Minister making a statement

Photograph of the Prime Minister making a statement

  • Photograph of the Prime Minister making a statement
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister making a statement

Photograph of the Prime Minister making a statement

Photograph of the Prime Minister making a statement

[Provisional Translation]
On July 30, 2018, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held the 15th meeting of the Emergency Response Headquarters for the Heavy Rain in July 2018 at the Prime Minister’s Office.
Based on the discussion, the Prime Minister said,
“Typhoon No. 12* is currently moving southward over the waters of the western side of Yakushima Island, and some areas of Kyushu are experiencing severe rainfall.
Concerning power outages, which at their peak affected 200,000 homes, it has been fully restored thanks to the power companies’ hard work day and night. I would like to express my gratitude to everyone involved.
Over the course of tomorrow, Typhoon No. 12 is expected to linger near Yakushima, before moving slowly westwards over the East China Sea while gaining its strength. There is concern that western Japan will continue to feel the effects of this typhoon for some time. We must also remain on the alert for severe rainfall, primarily on the Pacific Ocean side and areas around the Tokai region. Please maintain a high level of vigilance even after the typhoon has passed, as river flooding and landslides may occur.
Furthermore, it is expected that we will once again see a prolonged period of intense heat. Please take all possible measures to prevent heatstroke.
As a result of disasters such as the repeated heavy rainfall, heatwaves, and this recent extraordinary typhoon, many people in the disaster-affected areas of western Japan are being forced to live hard lives as evacuees, full of concern. Regarding efforts to secure temporary housing, which will serve as the foundation for rebuilding the lives of everyone affected by these disasters, so far approximately 2,300 applications for moving into public housing and provisional temporary housing have been approved, and 40 ‘constructed’ emergency temporary houses in Hiroshima Prefecture have been commenced along with 170 such houses in Ehime Prefecture.
We will continue to strive to swiftly issue Disaster Victim Certificates and secure housing so that people affected by the disaster can quickly transition away from living at evacuation centers. I would like to ask everyone to do everything in their power, whenever possible, for repair and reconstruction work in the disaster-affected areas, including rebuilding people’s lives and restoring ‘nariwai (occupations and livelihoods that sustain people’s daily lives).’
*Typhoon Jongdari

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