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Cabinet Decisions and Other Announcements

Basic Policy

December 24, 2014

[Provisional Translation]


Our reforms are still only halfway complete. These reforms were undertaken based on our strong conviction that this is the only path forward, and they received the strong support of the people in the recent general elections.

Now that we have considerable capability to advance our policies, we must press forward more boldly and more quickly with the most drastic reforms since the end of World War II, no matter what hardships may come our way, with all Cabinet members acting in unity. Our task is to deliver on the policy promises we made to the people in the general elections, one by one.

We will take the reins of Government with more resolve than ever before. And we will proceed straight along this path without wavering, together with the people. Based on this determination, in order to restore “a Japan we can be proud of” where hard working people are rewarded, the Cabinet will make collective efforts to promote the following measures:


1. Accelerating Reconstruction
We will further accelerate the reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake and revitalize Fukushima, while considering the sensitivities of the people in the disaster areas. This will involve, above all else, a shared mindset that “all ministers are ministers for reconstruction,” breaking down the administrative vertical divides that exist among ministries and agencies, and ensuring that we are mindful of the needs identified by the local communities.  

2. Economic Revitalization
A robust economy is a source of national strength for Japan. Without reviving the robust economy, there can be neither stable social security nor fiscal reconstruction.

The consumption tax increase to 10% will be postponed in order to ensure that the economy exits from deflation. The increase will definitely take effect in April 2017. We will aim for the simultaneous achievement of economic revitalization and fiscal rehabilitation, and fulfill our responsibility of passing on Japan’s world-leading social security system to future generations.

Economic revitalization will continue to be the top priority of the Cabinet. We will accelerate the implementation of the growth strategy with even greater determination. We will create a “Japan where everyone is given ample opportunities,” whether they are elderly, young, suffer from serious illnesses, or have disabilities.

We will make sure that the economic recovery is felt throughout Japan by further strengthening the three arrows of Abenomics and sustaining a positive cycle of the economy through improvements in the employment situation and wage increases. In doing so we will listen carefully to the views of diverse stakeholders, including the opinions of local regions, SMEs, and small-scale enterprises, and take carefully crafted responses.

3. Overcoming Population Decline and Vitalizing Local Economy in Japan
We will make every effort to create vibrant and prosperous local regions by “advancing community building, fostering human resources, and job creation” in ways that appeal to young people, allowing them to have dreams and hopes for the future.

To this end, we will work to restore family and community ties, and strive to overcome structural issues facing local regions, such as population decline and under-population, by addressing the issues head-on.

4. Realizing a “Society in which All Women Shine”
We will create a society in which all women can shine with confidence and pride in the lives they are leading. To realize such a society, we will make maximum efforts to see to it that the share of women occupying leadership positions is at least 30% by 2020 in the various sectors of society. Furthermore, we will create an environment in which women who have chosen to focus on their families and child-rearing are able to utilize those experiences and assume an active role in society.

5. Revival of Education
The children who bear the future of Japan are the most precious treasures of the nation. We must restore a Japan in which all children can live with smiles on their faces, a Japan that can unleash their unlimited potential.

We will reform the education system into a double-track system that is able to accommodate diverse values. In addition, we will continue to resolutely promote the revival of education such that everyone is able to receive the education they wish, irrespective of the economic situation their families face.

6. Ensuring a Secure Livelihood
Although the consumption tax increase to 10% will not take effect until April 2017, to the greatest extent possible, social security service enhancements, including childcare supports, medical services, and nursing care services, will be implemented according to schedule. We will continue to undertake relevant reforms aimed at establishing a sustainable social security system in which everyone can feel secure.

In light of the catastrophic damages that were wreaked across the nation by natural disasters, including the torrential rain in August 2014, the eruption of Mt. Ontake, heavy rainfall, and heavy snowfall, we will continue to take all possible measures and act with a great sense of urgency to manage and respond to crises, such as large-scale disasters and terrorism. Furthermore, based on the lessons learned from previous disasters, we will promote greater national resilience in order to stand ready for disasters, including by conducting institutional reforms.   

7. Rebuilding Diplomacy and Security
We will promote “diplomacy that takes a panoramic perspective of the world map” with greater robustness based on a firm Japan-U.S. Alliance. We will contribute more than ever before to achieving peace and prosperity in the world under the banner of “Proactive Contribution to Peace,” in accordance with the National Security Strategy.

On that basis, we will secure the lives and peaceful livelihood of the Japanese people under any circumstances. To this end, we will develop seamless security legislation to ensure Japan’s survival and protect its people pursuant to the basic policies adopted by the recent Cabinet Decision.

In realigning the U.S. Forces in Japan, we must not allow Futenma Air Station to remain at its current location indefinitely. In order to maintain deterrence as well as to alleviate the burden of the bases in Okinawa in a visible manner, the Government as a whole will work to ensure that all possible efforts are made on mainland Japan.

Lastly, public servants from each ministry are expected to exercise their potential to the fullest extent with pride in their hearts as professionals of Government administration. Public servants are urged to actively make proposals in devising policies and to take bold actions at their workplaces, while considering the sensitivities of the people and never forgetting the perspective of the public.

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