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The Prime Minister in Action

National Convention of the Chairpersons of Town and Village Assemblies

November 9, 2016

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering a congratulatory address

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering a congratulatory address

  • Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering a congratulatory address

[Provisional Translation]

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe attended the 60th National Convention of the Chairpersons of Town and Village Assemblies held in Tokyo.

The Prime Minister said in his congratulatory address,

“I am delighted that the 60th National Convention of the Chairpersons of Town and Village Assemblies is being held today with such grandeur.

My hometown is a beautiful small town called Yuya Town in Otsu District, Yamaguchi Prefecture where terraced rice fields spread out across a vast area along the Sea of Japan. It is the people in this town that got me to the Diet. Therefore, coming here sort of makes me feel as though I have returned to my hometown. Sitting in the front at the far left are the delegates from my home prefecture of Yamaguchi Prefecture. I thank you for this thoughtfulness. Behind Yamaguchi Prefecture are the delegates from Aomori Prefecture, the home prefecture of Mr. Tadamori Oshima, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Behind Aomori Prefecture are the delegates from Fukuoka Prefecture, the home prefecture of Mr. Kozo Yamamoto, Minister in charge of Overcoming Population Decline and Vitalizing Local Economy in Japan. I am deeply impressed by this attentive and considerate gesture.

I would like to once again express my respect to all of you for making arduous efforts every day, as representatives closest to the people, to develop your communities and improve community welfare.

This year, serious natural disasters have occurred in succession across the country, including the Kumamoto Earthquake and a series of record rainfall events caused by typhoons. First, I would like to once again extend my condolences to the victims and my sympathy to everyone who was affected. The Government will provide supports to the affected people to be able to rebuild their lives as quickly as possible, and will undertake maximum efforts for the restoration and reconstruction of the affected areas.

On October 11, a supplementary budget was passed, which earmarks funds for economic measures to realize investments for the future, including restoration and reconstruction from these natural disasters. In order to further build upon the hidden potential of regions, we will resolutely advance measures for assisting with childcare and the growing needs of nursing care, looking toward a future in which all citizens are dynamically engaged.

As for vitalizing local economies, we are at the stage of all-out project development. By making the most of the beautiful nature as well as the rich traditions and culture that the people of towns and villages have preserved and developed, each region will pave the way for their own future with their own ideas. We will proactively support the challenge of vitalizing local economies led by municipalities by way of information, human resources, and financing.

The basic stance of the Abe Cabinet is that Japan will not have vitality unless its regions have vitality, and that there is no future for Japan unless we pave the way for the future of the regions. By maintaining our approach of listening carefully to the views of the regions, we will support the efforts of the regions while fully accepting the opinions of the people. We will make every effort to ensure that the young people living in the regions can envision their future with the wish to remain in their community.

I hope you will all continue to exert your abilities to the fullest, while always engaging the people and incorporating their diverse opinions. I would also like to once again ask for your understanding and cooperation for the policies that the Government is promoting.

I would like to conclude my address for the 60th National Convention of the Chairpersons of Town and Village Assemblies by extending my best wishes for the further evolvement of the National Association Chairmen of Town and Village Assemblies, as well as the further success of everyone in attendance today.”  

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