TAIRA Masaaki

Minister for Digital Transformation
Minister in charge of Digital Administrative and Fiscal Reform
Minister in charge of Administrative Reform
Minister in charge of the National Civil Service System
Minister in charge of Cybersecurity
Minister of State for Regulatory Reform

Face Photo:TAIRA Masaaki


Date of birth
February 21, 1967
Place of Birth
Tokyo, Japan
Political party
Liberal Democratic Party of Japan (LDP)
Member of the House of Representatives
Tokyo 4th

Past career

  • Mar.1989
    Graduated from the School of Law at Waseda University
  • Nov.2024
    Minister for Digital Transformation
    Minister in charge of Digital Administrative and Fiscal Reform
    Minister in charge of Administrative Reform
    Minister in charge of the National Civil Service System
    Minister in charge of Cybersecurity
    Minister of State for Regulatory Reform
    (2nd Ishiba Cabinet)
    Minister for Digital Transformation
    Minister in charge of Administrative Reform
    Minister in charge of the National Civil Service System
    Minister in charge of Cybersecurity
    Minister of State for Regulatory Reform
    (1st Ishiba Cabinet)
    Chair, HR Special Committee for Investigation of Nuclear Power Issues (213th Diet)
    State Minister of Cabinet Office (Disaster Management, Administrative Reform, IT Policy, Space Policy)
    (4th Abe Cabinet (2nd Reshuffled))
    Chair of HR Standing Committee on Environment (192nd Diet)
    State Minister of Cabinet Office (Regional Revitalization, National Strategic Special Zones, Cool Japan Strategy)
    (2nd Abe Cabinet (Reshuffled) and 3rd Abe Cabinet)
    Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry; and Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Cabinet Office
    (2nd Abe Cabinet)
    Elected for the first time in the Tokyo 4th District in the 44th General Election of the House of Representatives (HR) (thereafter elected consecutively for 7 terms)
    President, Junior Chamber International Tokyo
    3rd president of a fruit and vegetable middle wholesale company (family business) in the Ota Wholesale Market