ISHIBA Shigeru

Prime Minister

Face Photo:ISHIBA Shigeru


Date of birth
Feb. 4, 1957
Yazu Town, Tottori Prefecture
Political party
Liberal Democratic Party of Japan (LDP)
Member of the House of Representatives
Tottori 1st

Past career

  • Mar. 1979
    Graduated from the Faculty of Law, Keio University
  • Nov. 2024
    The 103rd Prime Minister
    Oct. 2024
    The 102nd Prime Minister
    Elected to the House of Representatives (50th General Election)
    Oct. 2021
    Elected to the House of Representatives (49th General Election)
    Oct. 2017
    Elected to the House of Representatives (48th General Election)
    Oct. 2015
    Minister in charge of Overcoming Population Decline and Vitalizing Local Economy in Japan
    Minister of State for the National Strategic Special Zones (until Aug. 2016) (3rd Abe Cabinet (Reshuffled))
    Dec. 2014
    Elected to the House of Representatives (47th General Election)
    Sep. 2014
    Minister in charge of Overcoming Population Decline and Vitalizing Local Economy in Japan
    Minister of State for the National Strategic Special Zones
    (until Oct. 2015) (2nd Abe Cabinet (Reshuffled), 3rd Abe Cabinet)
    Dec. 2012
    Elected to the House of Representatives (46th General Election)
    Sep. 2012
    Secretary-General, LDP (until Sep. 2014)
    Sep. 2009
    Chairperson, Policy Research Council, LDP (until Sep. 2011)
    Aug. 2009
    Elected to the House of Representatives (45th General Election)
    Sep. 2008
    Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Aso Cabinet)
    Sep. 2007
    Minister of Defense (until Aug. 2008) (Fukuda Cabinet)
    Sep. 2005
    Elected to the House of Representatives (44th General Election)
    Nov. 2003
    Elected to the House of Representatives (43rd General Election)
    Sep. 2002
    Minister of State (Defense) (until Sep. 2004) (1st Koizumi Cabinet (1st Reshuffled), 1st Koizumi Cabinet (2nd Reshuffled), and 2nd Koizumi Cabinet)
    Jan. 2001
    Senior Vice Minister (Defense) (until Apr. 2001)(2nd Mori Cabinet (Reshuffled))
    Dec. 2000
    Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Defense (until Jan. 2001) (2nd Mori Cabinet (Reshuffled))
    Jul. 2000
    Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (until Feb. 2000) (2nd Mori Cabinet)
    Jun. 2000
    Elected to the House of Representatives (42nd General Election)
    Aug. 1998
    Chairperson, Standing Committee on Transport, House of Representatives
    Oct. 1996
    Elected to the House of Representatives (41st General Election)
    Jan. 1996
    Chairperson, Special Committee on Deregulation, House of Representatives
    Jul. 1993
    Elected to the House of Representatives (40th General Election)
    Dec. 1992
    Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (until Jun. 1993) (Miyazawa Cabinet (Reshuffled) )
    Feb. 1990
    Elected to the House of Representatives (39th General Election)
    Jul. 1986
    Elected to the House of Representatives (38th General Election)
    Jan. 1983
    Left Mitsui Bank
    Apr. 1979
    Joined Mitsui Bank