Council for Science, Technology and Innovation

March 17, 2025

[Provisional translation]

On March 17, 2025, Prime Minister Ishiba held the 77th meeting of the Council for Science, Technology and Innovation at the Prime Minister’s Office.
At the meeting, the participants engaged in discussions on the direction of future science, technology, and innovation policies and other matters.
Following the discussion, the Prime Minister said:
“Today discussions were held on the direction of future science, technology, and innovation policies, with the participation of Dr. Miyazono and Dr. Suzuki as new members and Dr. Hatano as a continued member.
With the rapid technological advancement related to artificial intelligence (AI), we are facing a major shift in the times. We aim to strike a balance between innovation promotion and risk response, thereby making Japan the world’s most AI-friendly country in terms of ease of development and utilization. We have just submitted a new bill to the Diet and seek its early passage.
As Dr. Ito explained, quantum technologies are unlocking the potential to realize quantum computers, quantum encrypted communications, and more, and countries are competing in the development of the technologies to achieve their industrial applications. Japan will also create the world’s leading innovation hubs and strengthen and accelerate its quantum strategy.
With regard to fusion energy, I request that you revise the national strategy this spring toward its early realization.
While we have just started accepting the second round of applications for Universities for International Research Excellence, we will enhance research capabilities and foster human resources by taking such measures as providing support for young researchers.
We will aim to raise investments in startups to around 10 trillion yen in fiscal year 2027 mainly through the development of hub cities for startups and establish innovation ecosystems.
In a bid to give a finishing touch to the implementation of the 6th Science, Technology, and Innovation Basic Plan, we will formulate the Integrated Innovation Strategy 2025, with an eye on the 7th basic plan.
I ask the relevant ministers to work together to flesh out measures under the leadership of Minister Kiuchi. That is all from me.”

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