Press Conference by Prime Minister Ishiba regarding the Avian Influenza Case

October 17, 2024

[Provisional translation]

(On the confirmation of an avian influenza case in poultry for the first time this season and how the government plans to respond to it)
In response to the situation, the Hokkaido government conducted a rapid test for avian influenza. As a result, it was found to be positive last night, and I immediately issued the following four instructions:
  1. In case that a bird is suspected to be infected with avian influenza, expeditiously implement thorough quarantine measures, with the relevant ministry and agencies, in particular, the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries, closely coordinating with each other.
  2. Gather information thoroughly.
  3. Request poultry farmers to maintain strict vigilance and provide them with appropriate guidance and support regarding preventive measures.
  4. Provide the public with accurate information in a timely manner.
Subsequently, after conducting a PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test, it was confirmed this morning that it is a “suspected infected animal.” An early response is crucial in preventing the spread of avian influenza. A meeting of relevant ministers, headed by the Chief Cabinet Secretary, has just been held. The government will continue to work in unison to address the situation promptly. That is all.

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